Client Side Rendering vs Server Side Rendering

Brandon S. Ha
1 min readJul 30, 2021

How CSR started?
User(client) sends “” to server. Server send HTML code and the browser renders it.


Why Single Page Application comes out?

In source page, only JS code is existed. Only partly update the page, not the whole page. CSR has only one id=root tag. It contains a big file so it takes time and low SEO.

SEO is matter or not?

When you search something on Google, Search bot analyze the pages. CRA shows only blank page.

SSR(Server Side Rendering)
Server takes HTML file and Data and then send back to client.

Once you visit the side and the viewer can see the web site quickly

NextJS is the key to solve problems

  1. No cashing
  2. Less SEO
  3. Less first loading

SSG (Static Site Generation)

React + Gatsby

SSR (Server Side Rendering)

React + NextJS

i’d say the service with no-login function uses SSR while the service with login does not affect to SEO so should go with CSR and then attach ServiceWorker.

