Reflecting on Portfolio 2024: Why OXINION FailedDespite the S&P 500 and Nasdaq are reaching an all-time high in 2024, the OXINION portfolio underperformed significantly. After reflecting…Dec 29, 2024Dec 29, 2024
OXINION Investing Plan: Navigating 2024 and Goals for 2025As we move into the last stretch of 2024, I wanted to share the journey of OXINION’s investing strategy and outline the goals we’re aiming…Nov 6, 2024Nov 6, 2024
Node.js Security PracticesI deployed my personal website on koyeb since Cyclic and Heroku does not offer free tier. Since i hosted it, i was so shocked. IJun 17, 2024Jun 17, 2024
Building Infinite Scroll in React with useInfiniteQueryI will share 2 ways to implement infinite scroll in React.Dec 10, 2023Dec 10, 2023
Realtime Features for ReactAnother interview is coming… I think most of companies do not need to realtime feature but keep asking me how i would handle it so i would…Dec 5, 2023Dec 5, 2023
Location Based AR with AR.jsI found an interesting open source JavaScript library, called AR.js. It is easy to follow the instruction and let me tell you how i applied…Dec 5, 2023Dec 5, 2023
Factorial — recursionConcepts essential for DFS and backtracking implementation!!!Dec 3, 2023Dec 3, 2023
What is useMemo?This is my first time to study RN and i was cloning BottomSheet. I knew the existence of “useMemo” but never thought of how to use it. memo…Dec 1, 2023Dec 1, 2023
Super Investing by Brandon S. Ha (Chapter 3 : Unveiling Super Strategies for Investing Adventures)Hi there! So, I’ve been diving into the whole investing world, checking out tons of companies like a bunch! Taking cues from big shots…Nov 25, 2023Nov 25, 2023
Next.js 13 Image Component: Setting Images to 100% SizeI was wondering how to set Next.js Image responsibe component. We could use “fill”.Nov 4, 2023Nov 4, 2023